🚧 Alsion Garthwaite
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Alsion Garthwaite - Eskdale, The Lake District, 1993

I went to the women-only OB week-long course in April 1993 and met 7 other interesting and diverse women. We really bonded over the week and encouraged each other to overcome our fears. For me, it was (and to an extent still is) heights. With the support of Julie the instructor and the rest of the group I astonished myself by managing to abseil down a 60 foot rockface, and since then have achieved several more as well as cllimbing, well, scrambling and going on zip wires. It was a great week, and I returned more confident and inspired to continue - which I have.
I hope my grandchildren will go to OB when they're old enough. I really recommend it.
At the end of this month I'm off to walk the Coast To Coast, one of many National Trails I've walked since OB. I also participate in British Military Fitness. At 63, I find I'm slowing down a bit (and was always a slow runner) but love exercising in the open air and just wish I could spend more time in it.