🚧 Andrew Wilde
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Andrew Wilde - Devon on Ashburton, 1971

I was chosen to attend Outward Bound by my school in Oldham, and funded by the LEA. Back then it was a real honour to get on the course and I landed in Devon for a month long course in August. I remember being collected in the Land Rover and transported to Ashburton. WHAT A MONTH IT WAS I was in Carew group, our leader was Duncan Smalley I think and remember a Welsh boy called of course " Taffy ". I enjoyed everything, the morning run and dip, the assault course, canoeing in the grounds, sea canoeing at Bentham, pot holing under Buckfast Abbey jumping from the bridge, and walking across Dartmoor.I don't think I wanted it to end, and in a sense it hasn't. What I gained has stayed with me throughout my life- teamwork,leadership, co operation, the strong supporting the weak,sense of humour, determination, encouragement etc.Two years later I went to the Arctic with the British Schools Exploring Society and took all I learnt in Devon with me.

I also remember going to the Lighthouse at Berry Head, doing the abseiling down the cliff face, and being pulled up again. The commando crawl across the water was a great challenge for everyone but not as great as being in the" hot seat" at night were everyone was given an opportunity to speak openly about each other. Politically incorrect today, I dare say, but revealing. I also remember a memorial to a past instructor who tragically died at this location- Richard Cadwallader?

Love to hear from anyone from the same course. Thank you Outward Bound..