🚧 Andy Tidy
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Andy Tidy - Aberdovey, Wales, 1988

I participated in a two week Outward Bound leadership course in Aberdovey in 1988, a external course provided by my employer, HSBC.

The course highlighted the different leadership styles one could use, and how these need to vary according to the circumstances - a lesson I have never forgotten and one I still reflect on 20 years later. Whilst its difficult to calculate the payback for this sort of investment I am absolutely certain that it has repaid my employers expenditure literally hundreds of times over.

My passion for the whole OB experience led me back to support the HSBC mentor sceheme, and resulted in a return to Aberdovey which has changed and improved beyond of all recognition. I also spent time in Ullsawater and gained a huge respect for14 year olds as they make their stumbling transition from childhood to the adult world. I found it amazing to watch these "silly" kids fron the dormatories transformed into adults by the challenges of climbing mountains and sleeping out in caves.

Long live Outward Bound and the next million participants.