🚧 Ann Mulligan (Wilkinson)
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Ann Mulligan (Wilkinson) - Aberdovey, Wales, 1973

Being afraid of heights,I think the most challenging moment was my first rock climbing experience. We were taken to the beach as the tide was coming in and told our choices were to either climb the cliff or swim. It was a difficult moment for me as I wasn't too keen on either option. I decided I'd take my chances with the cliff rather than risk drowning!
Another one of my memories was of being lost whilst on a hike. It happened to be the wedding day of Princess Anne and Mark Philips, and we were all tired and annoyed with each other. The only thing we agreed on was that we should all sit down and listen to the marriage service on a transistor radio that one of the girls had surreptitiously brought along. We eventually made our way back to Rhowniar, with all hard feelings forgotten.
I look back fondly of my time at Outward Bound and regret that I never kept in contact with the girls I met. We came from all walks of life - I was a Police Cadet with the Thames Valley Police. I remember one of the girls worked in a shoe factory in, I believe Nottinghamshire, and others were from Germany. It was a wonderful experience and one I will never forget.