🚧 Beni Goodman
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Beni Goodman - Eskdale, The Lake District, 1966

I was in Nansen patrol on the june course of 1966 and we were on the fells near to Scafell when the members of another patrol recovered the bodies of 2 students, down to Wasdale Head I believe. As a 16 year old schoolboy It chilled me at the time but went on to spend one of the best months of my life. I met up with one of the patrol members, Brian (Buck) Butler, a few times since the course: He worked on the Liverpool Echo, but I have now lost contact with him and often wonder what happened to all of the other students after they went back to their regular careers; several in the police force, one was a manager at Ford of Dagenham, one worked in a bank at Swansea, another in a garage. Heady days.