🚧 Brian Cairns
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Brian Cairns - Ullswater, The Lake District, 1956

Helping to afford the luxuries in life...

After attending Course no.U13 in 1956, at the age of 19, Brian never forgot his time at Ullswater and returned to the scene of his adventures many times on family holidays, reminiscing 'fondly' about the tough regime and the extremes of exercise and cold - all the time emphasising it was one of the best times of his life.

In fact, the fitness regime inspired the already keen footballer to continue with his sport, until he was introduced to cycling by his wife-to be. When his work with Rolls Royce was deployed to the new site in Derby, he chose the bike instead of the bus, lost three stone and gained enough from unspent bus fare to go on holiday after a year.

(The late Mr Cairn's wife kindly posted us this story and we have uploaded it to the website with her permission.)