🚧 Brian Murphy
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Brian Murphy - Eskdale, The Lake District, 1951

I have nothing but fond memories of my two visits to the OBMS at Eskdale.
I was sponsored on both occasions by my employers at the time, Bainbridges of Newcastle upon Tyne. In January 1951 I had recently turned 17 and coming from a city my first impression of Eskdale was the uncertainty of what was to follow.
I remember the cold- the lovely house and the countryside around, the run around the lake at some unearthly hour and the plunge into it-the competitiveness and the team spirit but particularly buying packets of dates from the small village store ( I think food rationing was still on). The biggest achievement- climbing all the mountains, over 3000ft and the walking between them in 3days We were there for 28 glorious ,wet and cold, days -days which moulded me for the rest of my life. I also remember the ban on cigarettes and beer.
My second visit was for a shorter time,I think about two weeks, as a follow-up course. It was much more relaxed with our choice of activities and after a hard day on the mountains it was off to the pub for previously banned relaxation.
Coming from an industrial city to the beautiful Lake District set me up for a life of love of the countryside and mountain climbing and long distance walking. It also made me very aware of the importance of teamwork, of pushing oneself to the limit, that being adventurous brings big rewards and it consequently made my period of service in the R.A.F a 'doddle'.
A long time pensioner, I look back with gratitude at what the Outward Bound did to change my life and ,even now, although my body doesn't want to keep up, I am still itching to get on the mountain bike and I love driving around the Highlands in our sports car.
Thanks OBMS Eskdale
I'm on left in picture