🚧 Charles Murray
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Charles Murray - Aberdovey, Wales, 1951

From 07/04/1951 to 03/05/1951

Having been presented with the outward bound trust award by my employer Vickers Armstrong's (Naval yard) Newcastle upon Tyne on achieving top apprentice of the year for my age group 16 years, I was unaware at what a very exciting time lay ahead for me in Aberdovie and how to this day holds many wonderful memories.

As a member of Beresford watch we took part in many field and road athletic activities and I can still recall our mile jog each morning at quite a unearthly hour and the cold shower that awaited us all before breakfast.

Other activities covered a land expedition of 27 miles across country including route finding and higher standard map reading.
Proficiency in boat knowledge and management under oars and sail including the use of compass, simple knots and general knowledge, this project being divided into 3 classed according to your age and previous experience.
The watch also cruised 2 days at sea all as working members of the crew in the Auxiliary ketch "Warspite"� each taking our turn as duty watch.

I met some very nice and interesting people, the officers and staff being first class and enjoyed every minute of my time there.

The Outward Bound Sea School reads: " To Serve To Strive and not to Yield"� for which I adopted as a guide in life and has stood me in good stead over the years.
I would be interested to hear from anyone who was on my course.

Many thanks,

Charles Murray.