🚧 Christopher Osborne
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Christopher Osborne - Eskdale, The Lake District, 1961

Attended Eskdale in October/November 1961 having been sponcered by Northampton Scouts Association and the local Education Authority and the that my company allowed myself to have the time off (without pay). I was at that time on a five year apprentiship as a toolmaker in an engineering works.
I learnt during my course to overcome some of the disabilities from polio and was made a patrol leader for a week. However I have never been a teamplayer and did find it diificult to fit in with some of the events. Before attending I had started to explore the wilder parts of the UK having been to the peaks and Skye fort experiditions. Since the course I joined the locel Mountaineering club (still al member) and regularly made trips to wales. If the course solve one proiblem was my fear of water and later took up sailing on both inland and the sea in dinghies.
Looking back it was worth while attending and if anything gave myself the confidence to overcome problems has they have arisen in my life.