🚧 Colin Barnard
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Colin Barnard - Eskdale, The Lake District, 1968

An Eclectic bunch of city boys, were thrown together, in an achingly beautiful part of the country, and asked to carry out activities way outside their experience and comfort zone. A recipe for disaster, that amazingly turned into a life long proud remembrance. I recently returned to Eskdale Green after nearly fifty years, had a pint and a meal in the King George pub, which I had never been inside, as the warden had put us on an honour bound rule of no smoking and drinking whilst on course, which we of course obeyed. I asked the staff at Eskdale lodge where the 'A' Frame chapel was, which stood alongside the main building, and was virtually brand new in 1968, they told me it became rotten and had to be pulled down. If thats not a metaphor for life, then I don't know. Great memories of a great opportunity that remains with me after all these years, keep it up