🚧 Dave Lyons
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Dave Lyons - Eskdale, The Lake District, 1976

In August 1976 at the age of 16 I was the youngest member of Mallory Patrol. I'd already been walking and climbing regularly in North Wales, the Pennines, and the Lake District for around three years, so I really looked forward to this course, and the experience didn't disappoint. The 26 days of the course taught me so much, about the mountains, the lakes, and of course comradeship.

The most memorable moment for me was sleeping out under the stars on top of Pavey Ark on a warm August night, up until that night I don't think I'd truly appreciated how beautiful the night sky could be.

The toughest part of the course physically was the final hike, but only because we as a group set ourselves a demanding goal, a real character building experience. 40 years on I still remember this time fondly and feel it was an important part of my growing up.

Great to see that Outward Bound is still going strong all these years later.