🚧 David Leggott
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David Leggott - Ullswater, The Lake District, 1957

I attended the Outward Bound School at Ullswater in January 1957. It was a requirement by P&O which I hoped to join. There were five of us (I think) who all knew each other from Nautical College. Three of us joined the same ship, the m.s. Salmara. Graham Lane served his apprenticeship and then married one of the passengers, inherited some of father in law's garages, and left the sea. Mike Cavaghan went right through got his Master's ticket and finished as the Captain of the Discovery, a small cruise ship. He has since died prematurely at home in Australia. I served my apprenticeship, then came ashore to study accountancy, which I hated, before becoming a salesman. I am now retired.

The lasting effect that the Outward Bound had on me (at least for fifty years) was to remove any desire to climb hills, even when we holidayed in the Lakes, we stayed at water level and sailed. The memorable events were 1) jumping in the lake at 7 o'clock every morning. 2) the three day trecks over the peaks . 3) my winning the cross country race.

I am not an athlete but had reduced to 150pounds, and was as fit as a flee, and winning the race made a big impression on me. (I am sure it must have also impressed my peers and tutors) Remeber that this was the month of January!!