🚧 Dean Duffy
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Dean Duffy - Ullswater, The Lake District, 2009

I attended Outward Bound in April 2009 and had one of the best times of my life.
Before Outward Bound I have never been in a situation were I have had to rely on a bunch of complete strangers, which by the end of the week turned out to be some of the most friendliest people I had every had the pleasure in meeting and they will always be my friends. My favourite moment was the jog and dip, which by the middle of the week we actually requested to do again. The worst part of the week was the tunnelling because sadly I got stuck in one of the tunnels and panicked and just had to get out it was terrifying! Also the expedition was a complete disaster well for me it was, we had to walk god knows how many miles in the pouring rain then when it came to going to bed we set up the tents and my tent let all the rain in so unlucky for me I woke up in the morning wet through whilst the other person was dry as a bone because my side had a puddle in and was sinking in so all the plastic covering was stuck to my face however without these moments I just don't think it would have been the same so I'm glad they all happened whether it be good or bad. Overall I actually loved Outward Bound and I have never laughed so hard in my life which was mainly down to the great bunch of people I went with, so cant wait to go back, roll on next time!