šŸš§ DENNIS Bradshaw
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DENNIS Bradshaw - Ullswater, The Lake District, 1966

I attended Ullswater U110 in the summer of 1966 , new experience for me traveling so far , had a good start on wrong train did not stop at Penrith , travelled to Carlisle and then train back to Penrith . Very quiet in those days and found it difficult to mix at times . Not keen on the regimented structure , especially from Sqd Ld Davies always complaining about my hair style . It was an eyeopener for me at 18 , all the activities and keep fit exercises involved , but all these years later I think back to all our achievements during that month ,up Helvelin and striding edge , canoeing across the lakes in V formation and the expeditions , todd , 3 day and 4 day . On the main expedition I ended up being ill after a long day and taken to the instructors tent , day after option was to go back or rejoin our group , did the latter so we had a full team , started off on our next days walk , but due to blisters ended up taking off my boot , using all my spare socks instead completed the last day back to base having walked over 20miles in one boot , our team finished and had a special mention at assemble the following morning , as Sqd Ld Davies said our motto to serve , to strive and not to yield which i didn't , this I have always remembered and have put to good use over the years .
I ran my first and only Marathon this year at 72 years old due to a bad knee felt like giving up but got there in the end .
The Outward bound experience will remain a huge part of my life and will always consider the impact it had on how I developed from a shy young man to how I am now . I have retired a couple of times during the years hope to get back when I can . A great experience which I always think about . Dennis Bradshaw