🚧 Donald Lloyd
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Donald Lloyd - Moray Sea School, Burghead Scotland, 1968

This is a report that I wrote form my course M.175(S) from the 8th January to 2nd February 1968.

"Aches and pains during the first week make one realise how unfit one is, but even though the thought of 30 minutes workout in the gym sent shivers through the body during this time, it becomes perfectly obvious later in the course that if the body is not fit there is little hope of becoming proficient or even enjoying any of the activities connected with the school.
Possibly the most important item of the course is the four day expedition, which unfortunately in our case was curtailed owing the severe weather conditions. The culmination of all the previous training is shown during these days, such as physical fitness, ability to read a map by use of a compass, being able to live with people for a length of time in a confined space.

It was during the expedition that a true feeling of comradship was shown. A tent was blown down in a gale force wind and instead of being content to lie in their tents, the other lads helped to re-pitch the tent and make sure the others were secure for the night. This to me partly sums up the aims of the Outward Bound. It is not a thing that can be worked out in theory or practiced in the practical sense, it just heppens when the situation arises.
The course, after getting off to a slow start, proved very interesting and varied. From a personal point of view I could see no benefit from Judo being included in the course and would like to see the time spent on Judo being used for inter-watch competitions such as football, volley ball and first aid exercises, as I believe this would foster a certain amount of rivalry between watches and as long as the activity was played in a sporting and friendly manner would be of benefit to everyone concerned and would also draw people closer together.
Every part of the course was new to me and I like to think that I met all the challenges to the best of my ability. The course also gave me the chance to try out new sports which normally I would never have been able (or afford) to undertake. In fact I have been bitten by the climbing bug to such an extent that not only do I promise not to decry people who get stuck or lost in mountains but hope to join a climbing club in Snowdonia - possibly Mountain Rescue, which would be a public service such as is evident at Moray in that the lifeboat is manner by students.
I believe that as a result of this course I have achieved an increased sense of responsibility and maturity which has resulted by being confronted with situations which demand initiative and would not normally confront me at work or even in leisure time."