🚧 Douglas Chambers
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Douglas Chambers - Loch Eil, Scottish Highlands, 1967

The outdoors life has been part of my very being since my aunty Janet introduced me to hostelling at 9 year old. I heard about Loch Eil through my big cousin at 14 years of age but i wasn't eligible due to being from the East End of Glasgow. This is when i learned that i had excellent negotiation skills and went to the Head Master at Wellshot Secondary asking him to help me get on the course.

So i went on my merry way to Loch Eil for 1 month getting tore into any task I was set from map reading, safely crossing water and night time navigation. I met new friends and got stuck into the grub given. What i remember the most is the skill of bed making, a job i thought i was good at until attending Loch Eil.

Our group leader would come into the dorm in the morning with us standing by our beds. He would bounce a 2 bob bit on the bed and if it didn't bounce to his satisfaction, he threw the matress and bedding out the window! Hahahaha. I have been an avid hill walker my whole life taking my kids and now their kids.

My grandchildren love it when i build the camp fire and we sit around eating marshmallows. I have walked the West Highland Way many times and Munros and taken small groups out on walks. I have so many fond memories of Loch Eil and wanted to share my story to hopefully inspire the next generation to go and get outdoors.