🚧 Ed McCann
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Ed McCann - Moray Sea School, Burghead Scotland, 1969

As a former instruructor at Moray Sea School, 1967-1969, and living in Hopeman (the next Village to Burghead) since 1976 and having witnessed the demise/demolition of the school, after its closure in 1977.(being replaced by a housing development,) I've always felt it a great pity that there is no recognition on site as to its former use/importance not only to all those students/staff who spent time there,but also to the local economy in terms employment and local services expenditure.

With this in mind I wonder if someone from the Trust would contact me with a view to discussing the possibility of raising funds for a commemorative plaque+possible re-union to support the trust 70th anniversary celebrations. With this in mind I would be grateful if someone from the trust could contact me to discuss. Many Thanks Ed McCann tel (m)07598978788. e-mail ed.mccann@hotmail.co.uk