🚧 Eddie Giblin
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Eddie Giblin - Moray Sea School, Burghead Scotland, 1970

whilst attending the sea school it soon became clear that almost everyone there was willing to help each other through the many hard going activities. The comradship was fantastic. it was a tremendous four weeks and memories that will live with me forever.

I was lucky enough to be picked for a special extended outward bound course to Bertchesgarden near Munich in 1972, where I met some old friends from the previous course.
We had a day visit to the olympic games, the week before the terrrorist attack on the israel athletes.

More astounding memories, the more i write the more vivid the imagies, like sailing in the north sea in a world class yacht or soaking wet in tents for three days in Glen Affrick, canoing the white water river from Ausrtia to Germany and climbing and walking in the Bavarian Alps, magical