🚧 frank greenwell
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frank greenwell - Ullswater, The Lake District, 1960

back in 1960 i was 18 years old, and a member of the 18th leeds boys brigade, who sent me on the outward bound course to ullswater, i was wet behind the ears, and from a big city, the month spent there in the lakes was the most mind blowing and extremely adventurous time i have ever spent, Iwent as a boy and came back a Man, the comradeship and camerarderie was great, my instructor was a mr weeks.
my interesting story was, we had trained for weeks, to go on this unacompanied expedition, for three days in december in the snow, on the mountain, three boys in a two man tent, for warmth, on our first nights pitch, we thought it was a good spot we had chosen, in a slight valley to keep off the wind, only to awake the next morning with our boots frozen solid and our bags wet,