🚧 Frank Morgan
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Frank Morgan - Devon on Ashburton, 1970

I was an Aircraft Engineering Apprentice with British European Airways (BEA) and was chosen, along with three others, to attend an Outward Bound Course. If I remember correctly there was a choice of four schools, however it was not like a package holliday brochure, we were told which school we would attendl
We were given a list of clothing to pack, a rail warrent and a date by which to be at the school.

The busses collected us from the station, lots of young men thrown together and destined to find something out about themselves along with all these strangers. The busses took us to a wonderful old building that was to be home for a month and the start of a lesson to last a lifetime.

The training started almost immediately, shown to our rooms, sharing with eleven other 18 year olds and the competition for which bed was best!

The first evening meal was delivered to us at the table, from then on one of the twelve patrols had to be waiters and get to eat what was left over at the end!

The complaints of 'I m not eating that' only lasted a day or so as the truth dawned that there was no choice, eat what was dished up, or go hungry. The food was reasonably plentiful and well cooked. But the choice for that meal was what was put in front of you. It is an endearing memory to see youngsters realise that what they thought they didnt like was actually quite tasty and get stuck in! I dont think that I have left food on a plate since.

The warden explained the principle of being faced with a challenge and meeting it. Lots of words that you didn't really pay attention to, then sign the book to affirm that you would actually keep your word. Four weeks and many many challenges latter, some overcome, and some still to be faced, standing in front of the warden to say that you had kept your word, a young man had matured. I did not sign the book. my lapse was minor, but the lesson in integrity was enormous. I still try to live by those principles of telling the truth and facing up to things and treating people as you would like to be treated. The warden said the door was open if you wished to change you mind and sign the book, I still didnt sign but was awarded my badge.

I have worked in aviation for over 40 years, working all around the world, and with many individuals, some good, others not so good, but the lessons learned at Outward Bound are as fresh in my mind today as they were then. Running down to that stream to jump in at 6 o'clock in the morning.I am approaching the end of my career now, still making decisions in my ever changing industry, and still using the integrity learnt at Outward Bound