🚧 Frank Nixon
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Frank Nixon - Moray Sea School, Burghead Scotland, 1968

I attended course M183, at the Moray Sea School in October 1968. I was in Scott Watch. I had wondered why the School had moved to Loch Eil in the mid 70's, but now discover it was due to urban expansion.

The Warden who ran the school was was Major Richards I believe, along with Mr Brettel, a senior staff member. There was also a Mr Clegg, who was in charge of Seamanship and I remember sailing our dipping-lug cutter in the Moray Firth in a force 7 gale, which was excellent. Expeditions out onto the hills above a small settlement of Dallas, and our 4 day camp was commenced on a hot and sunny day in the third week of October!

I very much enjoyed my month at the school, and have many memories of that month. I am now an ex-pat, having lived in New Zealand since 1975. My daughter attended the NZ Outward Bound school at Anakiwa in the Marlborough Sounds in the South Island a few years ago, so it runs in the family.

The Outward Bound Trust is a marvellous organisation and it's value to society is immeasureable.