🚧 Frank Woodhead
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Frank Woodhead - Devon on Ashburton, 1966

I was an urban , city kid , 17 at the time when my employer the electricity board sponsored me . The course definitely changed my life.(D53)
The 4 weeks in devon exposed me to experiences I could never have gained elsewhere and apart from the caving which I have never done since!(thats another story altogether!) I enjoyed every moment.
Throughout my life I have drawn on those experiences and skills gained thoughout my career .I was elected patrol leader by my peers on the course - a real honour for me at the time , and those leadership skills have proved invaluable over the years" To serve , to strive" and drakes prayer never far from my thoughts in moments of adversity( driving my kids mad occasionally).Although they both love the outdoors and sport- they didn't really have a choice.
As well as the experiences themselves and your ability to "hack it".I gained agreat deal from the staff - the guy allocated to my patrol was a Mr Laws - a police diver who was a great support and mentor who took his responsibilties very seriously .
I think the real lasting passion became a love of the outdoors and I have spent a lifetime, when not working, in the mountains .I'm still using the lessons learned to this day,trying to get to a hill every week!

As well as helping me in my career I have also spent a lot of free time with young people - part time swimming coach for many years for instance.
Equally I have tried to put a bit back directly to OB. and once walked from Wigan pier to Blackpool pier(43 miles) to help sponsor a wigan boy or girl to outward bound every year. I do hope the scheme is still running .I do donate to the organisation on a regular basis.
A full and fullfilling life - I have a lot to thank outward bound for over the years.