🚧 George Stewart
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George Stewart - Moray Sea School, Burghead Scotland, 1967

I was invited to attend the Moray Sea School around 1967 by my then employers William Halley & Sons a well known Dundee Textile Manufacturer. The course was for one month. In our watch we had lads from all over the country including one guy who came over from Malta Dry Docks.I made a lot of new friends during that month stay but have not been able to keep contact with any of them.I have also lost my log book and other details from the months stay which is somewhat sad & regretable. I do however recall the moment during the month that stands out most in my memory. We were about do do a 12 man cutter expedition across Burghead Bay to Findhorn. The weather was quite rough and the idea was for 4 of us to row out until we were in calmer water then we would raise the sails. Once out beyond the protection of the harbour, we were hit by a large freak wave that washed 2 of us overboard. I think the other guy was pulled back in by I was swept away from the cutter. The alarm was raied for the Hopeman Lifeboat from Burghead to come out and rescue me. I cant remember how long I was in the water but eventually they arrived and threw me a rope and eventually pulled me in. I was taken back to the school where i was dried off and got a change of clothes. After an hour or so I was then taken back out to sea which I think was there way of making sure that i was not going to be afraid of further sea adventures. Bit like falling off a bike and getting back on again. I remember that the story of the rescue made news in the local and national newspapers and remember sending cuttings to my parents. This incident did not spoil my enjoyment of my month's stay and I will always look upon my time at the Moray Sea School as being very worthwhile & character building.Also my employers must have been well pleased with my acheivements, as several promotions within the company followed soon after.

George Stewart..