🚧 Gerald Oakley
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Gerald Oakley - Aberdovey, Wales, 1955

I was ajudged to be the best apprentice of the year at my place of work, Coneygre Foundry, Tipton in 1955 and my prize was a month at OBSS
Although as a child, I was brought up to be somewhat subservient, by going to The Outward Bound Sea School at Aberdovey they taught me to be a leader.
During the 44 mile hike from Dolgelly to base, over Cader Idriss, we had to delay our"walk" as the clouds had decended and we really could not see where we were going.
Our leader at the time wanted to carry on but I persueded our group that it was too dangerous.
When the mist cleared we were only 10 feet away from a 500 ft drop.
That taught me to take control of my life from then on.
On the way back, now promoted as leader I decided that we could walk along the Tallallyn railway line and guess what? We met the train. What an experience.
A trip on that train was always on my "To do" list and last week, some 55 years later, my wife and I travelled from Towyn to Abergonolwyn on the train. We had a wonderful time and I remembered many happy hours at the OBSS.
I'm pleased to report that my life took off from 1955 and I succeeded in my ambition in becoming the General Manager of a foundry. It was called Oakley Castings and I owned it.
I'm sure that my time at Aberdovey was the best month of my life and moulded me to become the man I became and I can't thank the staff enough for all their help