🚧 Gordon Adams
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Gordon Adams - Aberdovey, Wales, 1945

I was a Conway boy attending my first year at Gordonstoun, which due to war hostilities, had been evacuated from Scotland to Llandinum. The war ended (1945) during this time and I was in the last group from Conway/Gordonstoun to attend Outward Bound.

My sailing took place on the Garibaldi and became sea sick for the first time in my life. I swore that I would give up my ambitions to be ship's captain and be a school teacher instead! This, of course, never happened, although I did go to sea but left long before I became ship's captain.

I don't recall what became of Garibaldi, but the other vessel, Prince Louis, belonged to Gordonstoun School and returned to Scotland shortly after the school's return from Lllandinum.

Memories are vague after this length of time, but I do recall Mr. Zimmerman who was in charge of all physical activities and Mr. Fuller who, I believe, was the Chief Officer. I also remember that the bunks were very narrow. I never understood why, unless they were surplus off a submarine!

Many years later, I believe it was in the 80s, Noreen, my wife, and I visited Aberdovey. I am sure the buildings were the same, but I could not recall anything. Whilst we were getting out of the car, a gentleman greeted us and after ascertaining my dates at Outward Bound he excused himself. Upon his return, very much to my astonishment, he presented me with copy of my report card!

Just a few years ago, I was sitting in the isle seat of an airplane flying from Chicago to Portland, Maine. I noticed a back pack on the floor in front of the lady sitting next to me. I could not help but see the words Outward Bound. I introduced myself to the lady and spoke of my days at Outward Bound in Aberdovey. When I mentioned the fact that I had met Kurt Hahn, this lady immediately leapt to her feet, announcing to the whole plane that she was sitting next to someone who had known Kurt Hahn! It seems that a large proportion of the passengers were Outward Bound instructors en route to New England. They immediately responded with a cheer and a round of applause.

Fond memories of a special time of my life.

The best of luck to all,

Gordon T. Adams

(Gordon kindly emailed us his story and we have published it on the Generations website with his permission.)