🚧 Graham Restarick
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Graham Restarick - Ullswater, The Lake District, 1965

I was on course 4100 in 1965 at Ullswater and have an enormous amount to thank Outward Bound for; it led directly to me moving up to Cumbria in 1985 to be nearer the hills. I regularly walk the fells, climb the crags, and do snow and ice climbs in winter. I became a Lake District National Park Warden in 1991. Today we are known as Voluntary Rangers. I used to skipper the Ranger rescue boat on Ullswater, which used to be moored at Outward Bound. For three winters, I was the Fell top Assessor for the LDNPA Weatherline phone service; this entailed ascending Helvellyn on a daily basis. My 300th ascent was as part of an Outward Bound 50th anniversary event, and I ended up leading the trickier parts of the walk over Swirral Edge etc. I've done 348 ascents of Helvellyn to date.

I was appointed a JP in 2004 and enjoy my magistrates sittings in Penrith. I take groups on guided walks all over the Lakes. The skills learnt at Outward Bound have served me well, and I am known in the area as a competent mountaineer. If at any time in the future you need a walk leader for a special event, I would be happy to help out. I have taken Radio 4 journalists, TV crews and outdoor magazine writers out on the hills, all thanks to Outward Bound, which kindled my initial interest. Long live Outward Bound.

Graham Restarick JP

(Note: Graham kindly posted us his story and we have published it on the Generations website with his permission.)