🚧 Ian Kenworthy
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Ian Kenworthy - Aberdovey, Wales, 1957

I did a 4 week course in January as part of pre-sea training prior to joining my first ship as deck apprentice with Shell Tankers. A hard month in the wilds of Wales in January. I am now 70 years old but remember vividly the early morning runs and cold showers. The hardest task was the final major expedition up Cader Idris but we made it even after getting dis-oriented in the mist. The most enjoyable acyivity for me was the couple of days on the sailing craft (was it "Golden Valley"?). Most participants were seasick but not me! Obviously destined to be a seafarer which I duly became. There were young people like me (aged 16) from all walks of life - public school - police cadets etc. The greatest benefit was learning to live with other people, respecting their opinions, strengths and weaknesses. A great introduction to future life compressed for months at a time on an oil tanker. Every kid should do it!