🚧 Jason Rankin
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Jason Rankin - Loch Eil, Scottish Highlands, 2009

My Outward Bound Experience was awesome. It was the first time I'd ever went camping. I remember when I got to Loch Eil, I was abit nervous about meeting everyone and how the 3 weeks would work out.

I remember we got on really well, all 12 of us including our instructor George. We were The Bruce Clan. I especially enjoyed our first camping trip where we got to go on a 3 day canoe expedition. We followed the Caledonian Canal from Banavie through to the Bridge of Oich. We didn't think we could do it. For me it was my first time in a canoe. We got off to a good start, planning ahead, how far we wanted to go on our first day. After a while we decided to stop at the swing bridge at Moy for a break. Didn't go too much to plan. Two canoes managed to tip over as some of the group tried to climb out, I think 3 or 4 of us ended up in the canal. After our break we got all our things together and jumped back in ready to crack on, unfortunately when we got back in the canoes, the rain started. I Wouldn't have minded, I mean 'We Live In Scotland' But the rain was just too much. Eventually within about 10 minutes everyone was wet. By dinner time we reached the gates at the start of Loch Lochy and decided to make camp. I enjoyed this night as I was finally camping, everyone else was tired though and went to bed. The next morning we got up pretty early as we wanted to make up the distance we lost the day before. I think we completed about 12/13 miles that day as we paddled the entire length of Loch Lochy, past Laggan Locks and about a quarter of Loch Oich. We eventually made camp at 6.30pm on a hill beside the bank from which we could see a castle, not too sure which one though. On our last day we, once again got up pretty early as some of us wanted to paddle right up to Loch Ness, we decided against it though as some of us were quite tired and sore from the day before so we slowly paddled to the bridge further up Loch Oich where we packed up the canoes and headed home. It was a good 3 days and I think we achieved alot as a group. It really pushed us to our limits, out of our comfort zones. We never gave up on each other and I think personnally thats what got us through the rough times and helped enjoy the good times. Our second camping trip was to the bottom of Ben Nevis. I wouldn't say it was an easy expedition. the good thing was we got to climb up the North Face instead of using the footpath, I think we all enjoyed that. We didn't spend too much time at the top, although we were really happy when we got to the top because we got a clear view from the top and we all, as a group just stood there and took it all in. Again it was a really good achievement. I would love to do another Outward Bound course in the future and create more memories with other participants. I think that would be good.

Jason Rankin