🚧 Keith Bostel
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Keith Bostel - Ullswater, The Lake District, 1964

I attended an OB course at Ulleswater in June 1964 (I think) and was sent there by my employer. Living in the South I marvelled at my first view of the fells we were to get to know so well and the term "jump in the lake" became a reality - every morning ! I recall it rained perhaps every day which garnished the unforgettable smell of 'the boot room' on return from a hike. Every day was a challenge for me, the soaking wet 'Tod Night', the elusive summits of the fells as we crested a ridge only to realise there was more to climb - much more. This tested my resolve and more than once I wondered why folk enjoyed scrambling up rain sodden fells for leisure. Looking back the course achieved its purpose by taking me way out of my comfort zone but it also taught me the benefit of teamwork and the camaraderie that supports achievement. Sometimes the going gets tough and I recall, "to serve, strive and not to yield" which has served me well on my journey through life.