🚧 Kevin Day
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Kevin Day - Ullswater, The Lake District, 1973

In 1973 I was a police cadet, on attending Ulleswater on 19/11/1973 I was put into 'Oates'. The instructors we had were Mr Irving and Mr Dixon, some of the things we did would probably not be allowed these days. Even though I have just turned 56 years, I remember with great joy my time on the Outward Bound course. I still have my diary and 'project' folder, it was amusing reading my diary and relating the daily 'goings on' to anyone who would listen. I do remember most of what happened, especially camping out overnight on my own and then having to find our way back to the 'school'. I also remember one or two of our walks being interupted by injuries and the rest of us leaving them with a member of staff before carrying on and completing our walks. A few months after my stay at Ulleswater, I went to the YMCA National Centre at Lakeside, Windermere for 3 months. The experrience that I had gained doing Outward Bound was invaluable as I was able to assist the instructors with all activities. Although I did not remain in the police, I fell in love with the Lake District during those months spent on the fells, and I have to 'escape' to the Lake at least twice a year to get my 'fix'! Whilst at Ulleswater, I completed my Gold Duke of Edinburghs award which I recieved at Buckingham Palace in 1974 from the Duke himself. Earlier this year, whilst in the Lakes, I completed the 'Final Expedition' Route which was our last route walked whilst at Ulleswater Outward Bound, this was Sticks Pass - Stanah - Stonethwaite - Angle Tarn - Easedale Tarn - Grasmere - Grisedale Tarn - Great Dod. I enjoyed the walk and it did bring back happy memories of all those years ago.