🚧 Lauren Green
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Lauren Green - Loch Eil, Scottish Highlands, 2009

I participated in The Mark Scott Leadership Award in 2009. This was one of the most challenging yet most unforgettable experience of my life. During my time not only in Loch Eil but also throughout the whole project I gained many experiences and I developed many skills I never thought I would. When I came to Loch Eil I didnt know what to expect, I was really nervous about what the upcoming week had in store for all of us. I came to Loch Eil as a very shy, private person and left being a more confident and open person. I never thought that a week with people I didnt know would turn out to be the best experience of my life. I admit it was scary at first but we got through it as one big team and have ended up being life long friends. My favourite moment of Loch Eil was getting to know all my team and working together to do many different tasks that would prepare us for the project which followed after the residential week. My least favourite moment was Exped. I found this very challenging for me but with a little encouragement from my team and support from everyone I managed to pull through and achieve this. I look back now 1 year after and I am so proud of everything I achieved when on this course. I made some amazing friends, developed skills, became more confident and now have an everlasting memory of my time in Loch Eil. Id do it all over again if i could. I would recommmend everyone to take part because you will have a blast and its a once in a life time opportunity :D xx