🚧 Martyn Cooper
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Martyn Cooper - Eskdale, The Lake District, 1977

This weekend my wife and I were travelling thro the lake and saw a road sign for Eskdale Green. Memories came flooding back of what I can only describe as one of defining moments of my life, My three week Outward Bound Course. I firmly believe that this course above all my education helped me develop into the person I am. As a teenager from the mining town of Barnsley it gave me challenges and opportunities I would have never had in my town from abseiling into caves or hanging of a cliff face in sheer terror it helped me put into perspective future challenges and how to overcome them. The absolute relief of getting to the top of that cliff and the overhang stays with me today and I don’t mind saying the tears flowed with joy and relief. I went on to a successful business career and believe the leadership skills and team building skills learnt back then helpe me immensely as I said earlier probably in those fields more than any Exam Certificate could. If I could turn back the clock I would definitely do it again without hesitation and it still holds vivid memories today I must say however I have never jumped into an Ice Cold lake again!!!! Martyn Cooper