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Maurice Powner - Aberdovey, Wales, 1969

Sorting through old “pre-digital” photographs, I cam across this - and a few memories came back. I think it was 1969 and I was sponsored by my employer, Wedgwood – the pottery company. Pretty much my first time away from home and quite daunting as far as I can remember. Many good memories. The pot-holing in the slate mines stands out and I recall that I am a member of the “Seals” after completing a 6 hour float in the pool. Despite a stay of a month in some pretty good weather – one way or another, we managed to get wet every single day – once, in glorious sunshine, by abseiling down a sea cliff into the waves. It certainly did me no harm, and I think – maybe with this on my record – I went on to have a very successful career with Wedgwood – and then beyond.