🚧 Michael John Bishop
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Michael John Bishop - Eskdale, The Lake District, 1962

In 1962 as a young Manchester City Police Cadet, I attended an Outward Bound course at Eskdale Mountain School, an event I recall with great pleasure and satisfaction. My course instructor then was Mr. Roger Putnam.

Last year I published a memoir of the first 18 years of my life - BORN ON THE BROADFLAGS - which contains a brief account of my Outward Bound experience at Eskdale, and which can be read below:

Born on The Broadflags by Michael John Bishop - Outward Bound Extracts

As a further matter of interest, many years later, during my subsequent career with the Independent Commission Against Corruption in Hong Kong (where I still live and regularly roam the mountainous terrain of Lantau Island) I participated in a Hong Kong Outward Bound "Adult Sea Challenge" course, sailing the barquentine "Ji Fung" to the Philippines and back. By a stroke of remarkable coincidence my instructor on that course was Mr Martin Putnam, the son of Roger Putnam, who had been my instructor at Eskdale 30 years previously.....