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Michael Lowe - Eskdale, The Lake District, 1956

In 1956 I was a 3rd year apprentice at Leyland Motors Ltd. in Lancashire, when our Apprentices Superintendent offered me the opportunity to be the very first apprentice to attend Outward Bound Eskdale at company expense. There followed a most wonderful experience, which held me in good stead for the rest of my life (this month I turn 84). By 1958, I had formed a small group of ex-Outward Bounders in Lancashire, and we spent many weekends in the Lake District especially at Ullswater where we were encouraged by the staff. When I was due for National Service, instead I spent several years as an Engineer Officer at sea. Subsequently I emigrated to New Zealand to build a career in Professional Engineering, and around 1980 I became Operations Manager for the Spirit of Adventure Trust, which uses sail training for young people using square rigged sailing ships. I have been involved as a leader with many community organisations - Rotary, U3A, schools, sea scouts, etc. and am still active within the community. And all because of that Outward Bound experience! Many thanks, O.B.