🚧 Michael Twaddle
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Michael Twaddle - Tywyn, Wales, 1959

To day I consider my time on an Army Outward Bound School as one if not the most challenging of my life and for toughness I consider the course was as hard as the Royal Marines course on Dartmoor. At Towyn we had to climb steep rock sides and mountains and I remember Crib Goch to this day. In 1959 I attended Towyn as a young Lance Corporal in the Army and liked the camp, an improvement on the badly organized one at Barnard Castle where I was stationed. I remember comrades to this day, Corporal of Horse Smith, and a private in the Royal Green Jackets. The cheery cook house Corporal who brought me a cup of tea in the morningand prepared good breakfasts and the tough sergeant instructors.
Whenever I wear my hat with my badge on it people stop me in the street and we chat about 'old times on a course'.
Why is this excellent course stopped? Some of lifes 'ne'r do wellsl' should be made to do it.

Mike Twaddle