🚧 Neil Wilson
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Neil Wilson - Moray Sea School, Burghead Scotland, 1949

I was on the second course ever to be held at Burghead. It was a highlight of my life! I still have my log and report (not brilliant). Duke of Edinburgh inspected the ship's company as he had been opening a fete at Gordonstoun which we all attended. We had several talks by Kurt Hahn and Dr. Zimmerman etc. We were housed in the drill hall in Burghead. Culminated in three days on Prince Louis on which I unfortunately acquired a poisoned finger and ended up in Elgin Hospital, missing the last day or two of the course - but not before taking part in the 28 mile expedition! The sailing, rowing, seamanship etc were the parts I liked best. Later in life, after university I had a short service commission in the RN, as a "schoolie".