🚧 Nick Barrett
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Nick Barrett - Aberdovey, Wales, 2007

I must start with a confession and admit to a vested interest. I have never been a participant on an Outward Bound course and I work for Outward Bound. Having said that, three of my children have attended Outward Bound courses. Two have been on Classic courses at Aberdovey and one attended a week long course with her school (Elliott School - a large comprehensive in south London).
Without exception my children adored their time at Outward Bound and came back buzzing and fired up from the experience.
For my youngest daughter - who went to Aberdovey in 2008 - it proved an absolute turning point. I was amazed when she announced her intention to do an expeditionary Classic course - as I could scarcely imagine a less Outward Bound "type" . She loved it. Above all, she returned with a sense of focus that was truly remarkable. She plunged into her A levels with new found confidence and commitment, she got a part-time job that subsequently funded a backpacking trip around Souith-East Asia and she has just started at university. Whilst it might be wrong to entirely credit Outward Bound with all of this, in my mind there is a direct connection between the rosy-cheeked and bubblingly enthusiastic teenager that I collected from the station after her OB course and the confident, resilient and focused young adult that she has become.