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Nicola Wootton - Aberdovey, Wales, 1978

I attended in 1978 after winning a essay competition in our local paper.At the time i was so excited at winning than i ment my boyfriend and wasn't as kean.My boyfriend is now my husband and we have been married 38 years.The highlights that i will always remember is my parents taking me down and taking me to the boat house and thinking that was the house.I was so ill perpared .I remember having to take the extra mars bar out of my rucksack when it was checked before setting of on the exhibition.Climbing and abseiling down Cader Iris .The putting on of the show at the end of the course and singing food food glorious food.I also remeber the lack of free time we had and when we had the community afternoon collecting for the RSPCA and me and this girl from Enniskillen went on the beach to sun bathe and just shook the tin at passers by.We must have collected the least.Looking back i feel the motto To serve and not to yield which i believe comes from the SAS has helped me when i have faced difficult decisions and help to give me confidence it is a experience i remember fondly but if i am honest at the time especially at the beginning not so .I see now it is a luxury hotel and i am determine to stay in it