🚧 Norma Reid
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Norma Reid - Eskdale, The Lake District, 1951

In October 1951 I was privileged to be chosen to go on an experimental course at the Outward bound Mountain school in Eskdale, Cumbria, for 56 girls.
Together with Sylvia Riley, Bainbridge Department Store , Newcastle selected the two of us from a very large staff to represent them.
This was an entirely new venture, having only previously had young men participating in the month long course. We were given to understand that we would be doing exactly the same timetable, apart from the boys obligatory plunge in to the lake at the start of the day.
Rock climbing, camping out, and being self sufficient on a very cold October night, also going by canoes and kayak down the River Esk on an expedition were all very new experiences.
Girls came from all over England and in particular from the South. I became very close to a girl from London who worked for Lyons at Cadby Hall. Joan was her name and I have often wondered how she is. I have to mention that the staff decided to separate us and send us off on different group activities because they didn't approve of friendships.
I recall there being a day when the press were invited, and it was a big surprise on returning home to see a full size picture of me in "The Times"� newspaper on the 2nd November.
The course was for four weeks and the cost was �20. This information, list of personal requirements together with some of the very yellowing newspaper articles are still in my possession.

Hope this information is of some use.