🚧 Peggy Wallace
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Peggy Wallace - Bisham Abbey, 1958

While working WD&HO Wills in Glasgow I was sponsored by them to spend from Sept.15th"�Oct.11th 1958 at Bisham Abbey on an Outward Bound course.

Seeing your advert made me dig out the log book we all kept of our day to day activities. I was only 18 years old which, when you are 70 as I now am seems very young and naive.

We had to work on a farm which was good fun but I am sure must have been cheap labour for the farmer. We had horse riding, sailing, canoeing, map reading, hiking, and camping to name but a few. On reading my log of the time it really did rain every day!! We all loved every moment of it and I was so glad I had been chosen to go.

I still go walking with my local Rambling club but those days I only do 6 to 7 miles and not the twenty we had to at Bisham.But the thing I remember most was the camaraderie with all girls from every walk of life even those' Daddy 'had sent as most had been sponsored like me by their employer.

I would love to know if anyone else from the course has got in touch as there must have been around 45 of us. They tell me I would never recognise Bisham Abbey now as it has changed just a bit!

Kindest Regards,

Peggy Sellars ( as I was then)