🚧 Peter Bruton
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Peter Bruton - Ullswater, The Lake District, 1968

My Course, U133 began in October 1968 when I was an 18-year old Police Cadet in Leicestershire Constabulary. I was elected Captain of my patrol and remember our dorm was at the top of the house. I even remember our Instructor's name - Tony Duncan . That's testament to the effect the course and Tony had on me and, I'm certain, the rest of the Patrol. There was a lot of immediate and continuing support amongst us, especially when we had to make the early morning run along the jetty and into the lake! We had some great times throughout the course, but my enduring memory is the preparation for, and taking part in, the final three-day trek. Just before the trek, we had the first snow of winter and had to go ice-axe training on the mountain slopes. It was great fun, sliding down on our backs, with the axe across our chest, before rolling over and digging the axe into the snow to stop us. The hard work came when we had to carry those axes throughout the trek, even though the snow melted and never re-appeared. I also remember struggling along Striding Edge in thick fog and being unable to see anything at all on either side. Not surprising really as I found out afterwards there isn't anything on either side! Just as well I couldn't see. I learned a lot about myself and how to understand and support others on that course -it was a great experience and I loved every minute. The lessons learned become apparent very quickly and stood me in good stead throughout my life, my police career and since my retirement.