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Peter George - Moray Sea School, Burghead Scotland, 1971

I was 20, an engineering apprentice. I had never been to Scotland before but loved the idea of adventure. I spent a month at Moray Sea School with 12 other "kids" from all over the UK plus one from Germany. We were all very different and yet had many similarities. I was introduced, for the first time, to so many different experiences. Sailing, canoeing, abseiling to name a few. We were taught many things as individuals and also as a team. I remember our introduction to camping in the Cairngorms, a 2-day excursion into the foothills. It was August, summer right? Yeah, but we experienced some pretty awful weather. Wind, rain, snow, fog. Nice way to learn to be prepared for anything. All the training led to our main expedition. I think it was 4 days in the hills. The weather couldn't have been any better. The views were awesome. Swimming in the cold lochs was refreshing. I will never forget Moray. Went back to visit several years later with my family and was saddened to learn that the school had closed. I hope we can get the memorial plack erected. Outward bound - I'd go again if I could!