🚧 Peter Hill
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Peter Hill - Eskdale, The Lake District, 1975

I was at Eskdale during April to May 75, sent there as a police cadet by my force. I hated it. We were housed in a snakepit, something like six or nine lads in bunks in a circular dorm. We were Scott patrol, instructor Rex Giles. I made a dogs breakfast out of the activities, complete panic in canoe capsize drill, lost my pumps in the morning leap in the tarn, and forgot my tent poles on final expedition ! I breathed a sigh when we left ......

..... but in the months that followed, I realised I had changed. Nothing spectacular, but I matured and became steadier. I had left with a lot of stuff I did not know I had. I guess putting up with hills, wind, rain, and tiredness showed me that my limits were not where I thought they where.

I was in the same patrol as Steve Slapper, and did final expedition with him. He used to wax lyrical about fishing with a pint of milk and a " Freddo ". Some of the lads were from Civil Engineering College, and one was so unimpressed, he said that if he ever came back to the Lakes, he would bring his jackhammer and level it to a billiard table ! Looks like he never went back.

Glad I did it. Would I do it again..... no thanks !