🚧 Peter John Lawrence
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Peter John Lawrence - Moray Sea School, Burghead Scotland, 1958

This past week I found a small document titled an 'Excess Ticket'.

It was issued to me on Sunday 29th Nov 1958 by the railway Station Master in Perth, Scotland.

You see, I paid for my self to attend an Outward Bound course and, being an impoverished engineering apprentice, I could not afford the fair from Chelmsford, Essex to Burghead so had to hitch hike there and back.
En-route back, one of the other students had a car and offered a ride to Edingburgh. So I gladlyl took that option!

However en-route in the Cairngorms his car had an electrical failure and we waited many hours on the hill top for help.

When I finally got to Perth it was late Sunday night so I was not going to get back to Chelmsford in time for work on Monday morning.....

I went to the Station Master in Perth and explained my plight.

He issed me the ticket that I still have the copy of, with the understanding that I send the money to him after I got home.

Which I did.....