🚧 reg Willing
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reg Willing - Ullswater, The Lake District, 1972

I was sent to Ullswater as part of my Police Cadet training and spent a wonderful month there from the end of August to the end of September. Apart form all the activities such as canoeing, rock climbing and hiking etc, my lasting memory is of being told at the beginning of the course that we would all be on the same diet and those who needed to put on weight, would and those who needed to lose weight, would. I went in at a healthy 11st 8lb and another guy on the course was weighed in at 11st 7lb. At the end of the month, I came away at 12st 1lb and he left at 11st. They obviously knew about nutrition and healthy eating. It also helped me to win the fell race and the slalom canoe competition.