🚧 Robert Clarke
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Robert Clarke - Eskdale, The Lake District, 1963

My main memories of the month long course are:-
1. The run around the Tarn every morning. Halfway around was the "Whimsey" into which we all had to jump and turn around 3 times whilst the instructor opened the sluice gate to shower us in ice cold stream water.
2. We had to run everywhere. If we were caught walking, (or swearing), it was 30 press ups on the spot.
3. The ropes course. On finals day all the instructors and their wives/girlfriends etc turned up at the Wall armed with cameras, we were not sure why, until eventually, (and we were assured this happened every course), the last but one lad up would be dangling from some ones arms as they were pulled up and the last lad would jump up, grab his shorts and down they would come, revealing everything to the waiting cameras.