🚧 Robert Cormie
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Robert Cormie - Moray Sea School, Burghead Scotland, 1986

I have a very special and life long attrachment to the Outward Bound Organisation. I was born and spent all my childhood in Burghead, Morayshire. My uncle was the Warden of the Outward Bound School there until the mid 1970's until its sad closure. As a small boy I spent almost every day at the "Seaschool" as it was localy known with my uncle, sailing, rock climbing or camping and hillwalking with the students and the other staff. Sailing remains my first love today directly as a result of those early years sailing on the Moray Firth on the schools boats or alongside in the support vessels "Bonnie Lesley" and the "Alata"

In July and August 1986 my parents sent me to Loch Eil for my own three week outward bound experience, this was to mark the end of my secondary education and months before joining the Royal Air Force.

24 years later and now at the end of my RAF career I can look back and safely and say that those three week at Loch Eil set me up in readiness for a successful career, giving me skills for life which a am now investing back into our youth as uniformed instructor for the Air Training Corps.

In Burghead there is nothing left of the one proud Outward Bound Moray but i still relish visiting my uncle and reminising about the contribution it played in my childhood and in the development of so many others.