🚧 Roger G Cope
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Roger G Cope - Aberdovey, Wales, 1965

Not having done anything adventurous before, to be sent on a four week "away from home" challenge as a result of an apprenticeship "prize" was daunting for me. Rheumatic fever had previously terminated an attempt to join the Birmingham Sea Scouts so this was a big ask for me physically. But, I did it and I remember it well, then aged 19 now 63. It was my first experience of team effort, of camping for 5 days and treking for nigh on 100 miles; of canoing in the Dovey estuary - capsizing ofcourse!; of cold showers - and cocoa. No favourite moment; I enjoyed it all, even the physical pain of circuit-training!
So of what benefit was this to my life? I learned discipline, teamwork and self determination. The former was to benefit me (and others) on an Icelandic trek incident many years later. OB motivated me to join the Merchant Navy and now - I'm a Coastguard in the Cromarty Rescue Team. I have a lot for which to thank Captain Fuller and his then team of instructors. I have the badge here in front of me and still seek to Serve, to Strive and not to Yield!