🚧 Sarah Rawlinson
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Sarah Rawlinson - Ullswater, The Lake District, 2008

I attended the Outward bound course with 5 colleagues and 5 students from Pendle Community HIgh School. Before going on Outward Bound I was asked by the organiser if I would be the Team Leader for the week, as I was not a very confident person this terrified me but I agreed. On arrival at Ullswater I was very sceptical of what to expect. I thorughly enjoyed my experience of Outward Bound a lot more than I ever expected. In particular I enjoyed the hike and the overnight stay in the cabin, even though it was absolutely freezing. I have never laughed so much as I did that day/night.

Outward Bound was definately an experience I won't forget in a hurry!

From completing the course I feel that my confidence improved greatly, I am now alot better at communicating and helped me more than I ever expected it would do. I am very greatful to Mark, Rachael and my group for all the help they gave me throughout the week.